Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Icebox Radio Theater does my play: The Wind & The Cold

Icebox Radio Theater in northern Minnesota just posted their production of my radio play, The Wind & The Cold.  They've done a very nice job, and it comes at a time when we're dealing with lots of snow and wind here in Boston.  Luckily, we don't have to face anything like the characters in the play. 

Here's the summary (it runs about 30 minutes, but it's in segments, so you don't have to listen all at once):

Two lovers head for a winter retreat with a blizzard on its way.  Jacques (a Northern boy) is excited.  Katrina (a Florida girl) is terrified.  When their differences boil over into a fight, they find themselves in the middle of an identical fight between two elemental forces of nature in this wonderful fantasy by playwright Patrick Gabridge.

Check it out.

(You can read all about my radio plays, and listen to some, here.)

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Ideal play for northern MN!